Celebrating women’s equality day with fearless flipdish leadership

Amanda Kavanagh
Author Amanda Kavanagh
Reltable role models

This year, Women's Equality Day falls on 26 August. Originally set up to commemorate the signing of the 19th amendment to the US Constitution in 1920 — which allowed women to vote — this day is now when many shine a light on inequality for women.

At Flipdish, we’re passionate about closing the Tech Gender Gap, which is why we’re proud to partner with SheCanCode, an active women-in-tech support hub, helping women to enter, remain, and excel in the tech industry.

As a global tech community, SheCanCode highlights organisations that are making a conscious effort to provide safe and inclusive working environments. They maintain a lively blog and hold regular webinars and meet-ups providing female engineers, designers, product managers and QAs with additional knowledge, skills and confidence to excel in what is still, typically, a male-dominated industry.

Recently, members of Flipdish’s senior leadership shared how the organisation is attracting a diverse workforce — and the difference it’s starting to make — on the SheCanCode website.

Recruiting a diverse team

Living by company values

Retaining employees

Why work in tech?

Advice to younger selves

A big thank you to SheCanCode for having us onboard. At Flipdish, we are committed to providing an inclusive and supportive environment for everyone to work in, regardless of background, gender, sexual orientation or age. Find out more at Flipdish.com/careers.

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