The future is looking bright for Indy Power, whose The Little Green Spoon is quickly becoming the go-to blog for all things edible and healthy. We caught up with her for a quick chat about food, lifestyle and much more.
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Upbeat, healthy, focused.
Where did your exotic name come from?
Absolutely nowhere! I get asked this all the time but sadly there isn’t a cool story behind it, I think my parents just liked the name. I love it now but I used to not really like it so I started to go by Indy in secondary school and that’s stuck.
What did you want to be as a kid?
I was dog and horse crazy and I wanted to be a vet. Not much has changed in the animal obsession department but I think I made the right choice for me not to go down that road.
How did everybody react to your food blog?
I’ve haven’t really experienced any negativity thankfully. I’m a bit of a perfectionist so at the beginning I kept my blog a secret so I could get used to the whole thing and build up content. That helped me be more confident when people started finding out about it.
Where would you like to be in 5 years?
I would love to have made a successful career out of what I do now. I’ve just finished college so I’m really excited to start blogging full time and see where it takes me. In a perfect 5 year future world I’d love to have a few successful cookbooks and be on TV.
What does your average day consist of?
Now that I’m not juggling back and forth with college I’ve got a bit more of a routine. On an ideal day I usually go to the gym as soon as I wake up, then run errands (which mostly consists of food shopping!) and then I spend the rest of the day recipe testing, working on my site, replying to email queries etc. Oh and lots of cleaning, I’m not the tidiest chef.
What do you have for breakfast?
Every morning, as soon as I get up, I have a glass of warm water and lemon while I make my breakfast. Most days I have poached eggs and kale or smoked salmon but I love porridge and overnight oats so it depends on my mood.
How do you stay healthy?
I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. When I can, I go with my boyfriend; it’s so much easier to motivate yourself when you’re with someone. I mostly just do weights and some body weight exercises and (very rarely!) some cardio. I also love yoga but don’t do it often enough.
What did you have for dinner last night?
Last night I had teriyaki salmon, roasted asparagus and a quinoa feta salad. I’d have something along those lines most nights.
What was your last take-away?
My last takeaway was sushi from Musashi. Spicy tuna roll, avocado salmon roll and some edamame. My mom is half Japanese so I need a sushi fix quite regularly.
How many times a month would you order take away?
Depends! About once a week I collect something in the afternoon and keep it for dinner. There’s a real absence of healthy dinner takeaways so I get things in my favourite lunch spots (Alchemy, Cocu Kitchen etc.) and keep them for dinner.
What would be your perfect food day in Dublin?
My perfect food day would start with a gorgeous brunch in somewhere like Brother Hubbard or Staple Foods. For dinner, I love sitting outside in Coppinger Row. Then I’d head to the bar above Rustic Stone for their cucumber elderflower martini!
What are you reading at the moment?
The Steve Job’s biography – very intense!
What’s your favourite tv program at the moment?
I watch too many tv shows to admit but I’m still in awe at the last episode of The Jinx! Everybody has to watch it!
What advice would you give yourself at 15?
Be curious – try anything!
Thanks Indy!
If you want to check out Indy’s recipes you can follow her on Twitter @littlegspoon and Instagram @thelittlegreenspoon
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