Back in March, an All Hands announcement sent a virtual ripple through to Flipdishers in 16 countries around the world.
After two years of remote working, and our team growing 5x, we were going to meet. In person. In Dublin, Ireland. In May. For two inspiring days of talks and activities, and one big party.
Dished LIVE was happening, for the very first time.
So, what happened?
1. We learned how tall our colleagues were.

Of course, it doesn’t matter but it’s still a strange moment to meet someone you know so well in person, at last. We’ve laughed at kids barging in on work calls, seen each other’s overflowing laundry baskets, and have shared in love and loss for beloved pets in #flipdish-furry-friends. Meeting in person was like fitting a final puzzle piece.
2. We mingled with other teams.

That person in another department who pops up as a talking head on the weekly All Hands? Turns out they’re a whole person, with interesting non-work things to say. Naturally, we talked shop too but the real magic was in the informal catch-ups and chats. We even found out who the best breakdancer was in a treasure hunt around the city. Spoiler: it’s Grace Hinds.
3. We got 7 extra leave days.

And it caused quite a stir.
4. We listened to inspiring speakers.

From in-house talent and leadership to special guest speakers, we talked about where Flipdish is at — as a company, as an employer and as a brand — and where we’re going. Country Managers shared ambitious plans, a Product panel gave us a glimpse into the future, and Dhruv Kumar, our new VP of Engineering, discussed investing in enablement and empowering our engineers (yes, we are hiring!). We also held the first in a series of open and thought-provoking company-wide conversations on Diversity & Inclusion. Watch this space.
5. We celebrated our teammates.

Those colleagues who always go above and beyond for our customers and our teams? We’ve a ton. We usually celebrate with spotlights in our weekly All Hands and emoji-laden Slack shoutouts, but at Dished LIVE we were able to recogise five of the very best in person, with real-life awards. Bravo Gary Gomez, Elaine Smyth, Stephanie Murphy, Lauren Webber and Dink Delic.
6. We said ‘cheese’ for a drone.

We’ve come a long way from a phone snap in the office, just two years ago.
7. We partied.

As night fell, we headed to our party venue for dancing and general merrimiment. We even had a live performance from Heroes in Hiding, with Flipdish Academy’s Cian Donohue on the drums.
Dished LIVE in 60 seconds