Centra beat the queue app by flipdish

James McCarthy
Author James McCarthy
Centra flipdish online ordering

Centra is Ireland’s leading convenience retailer with over 450 stores throughout the country.

The Brief

Centra wanted to help their customers make the most of their day and make it easier for them to preorder food and ambient goods, and drive customer loyalty. Seeing the global shift toward mobile ordering they approached Flipdish for a solution.

The Product

Flipdish provided a modern app and web-based ordering platform which enabled customers to easily place ”click and collect” orders from their phones. The Flipdish product combines loyalty, marketing, and consumer analytics.

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The Rollout

The Flipdish system allows Centra to quickly and efficiently add new stores to the platform as the program is rolled out.

Long Term Benefits

By choosing Flipdish as their online and mobile ordering provider Centra ensured that their platform will be perpetually updated and continue to be market leading.

A strong partnership has been established and Centra are looking forward to working closely with Flipdish as they expand into new areas.

Check out the app here https://centra.ie/beat-the-que...

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