An interview with aran spencer higgins – dealiac

Claire Sweeney
Author Claire Sweeney
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What is Dealiac?

Dealiac is an app and discount card exclusively for those on a gluten-free diet. We take the hassle out of finding restaurants that cater to your requirements, allow you to rate and review your experiences while receiving discounts and offers exclusive to Dealiac.

What’s the story behind Dealiac and how did you come to be involved?

I began a gluten-free diet two years ago and was frustrated and disappointed with the existing apps which had no relationship with restaurateurs. I was also frequently ‘glutened’ at their recommended locations. I began on a quest to make dining out safer, easier and less expensive. I truly believe the idea of Dealiac achieves all three of these aims through only listing high-quality contentious restaurants, emphasizing member reviews within the app and offering discounts with our card.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Driven, Perfectionist and Impatient.

Are there challenges unique to being so young (20) in the entrepreneurial world?

I find it more of a blessing. Being young allows you to stand out from the crowd, be creative and take risks that older generations may not be able to take. However, with age comes wisdom and experience – two things I lack at the moment. This is perhaps the primary reason I implemented the ‘Message the CEO’ feature into the app, it allows users to email me directly with their feedback or complaints.

How many times on average would you order takeaway per month?

On average four to five times.

What would be your perfect food day in Dublin?

Breakfast at Carluccios, Brunch at KC Peaches, Lunch at Bear and Dinner at Dunne & Crescenzi.

What book would you recommend the most to friends?

The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris – not that I believe we should only work four hours a week, quite the opposite in fact, but it really helped me improve my work efficiency while outsourcing tasks that can be done by others.

Knowing what you know now would you do anything differently starting the business?

I’ve realized that my focus should’ve been to deliver something valuable and useful rather than simply making money. Don’t think about how much you’ll make and create the perfect product that people love and adore even during its beta stages.

What’s next for yourself and Dealiac?

We’re launching in March with over 60 restaurant locations nationwide. Next stop the UK, Finland and Sweden.

Interested in a free Flipdish demo? Talk to us about online ordering today.

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