Father’s Day is fast approaching — it’s June 19 — and you may be considering whether or not to run a restaurant marketing promotion. It can be a challenge for businesses to capture the attention of their customers at this time of the year. To help make the most of your marketing efforts, here are five ideas for restaurant marketing promotions to try this Father’s Day.
1. Run a social media giveaway
A great way to engage your customers in the lead up to Father’s Day is to do a social media giveaway. Ask your customers to tell you their favourite story about their dad, and the best ones will receive a free meal. Your customers are sure to have plenty of stories to tell, and if they don’t they will surely enjoy reading other people’s stories. Another idea for a restaurant marketing promotion would be to ask your customers to post their best dad joke in the comments, with the funniest one winning a free meal.

2. Offer a drink and meal combo
Your customers are going to be looking for the easiest way to have a big celebration for their father, and the best way to do this is to combine everything they would be looking for into one complete package. Consider creating a drink and meal combination for Father’s Day. By doing this you will make your customer’s lives easier by having everything they need in one place.
3. Hire a photographer
After a tough year, your customers are looking to make new, happy memories. By hiring a photographer for the day, you can help your customers capture precious memories, while also creating promotional content for your business to use on social media. Ask your photographer to ensure all necessary consent has been acquired, and let your customers know that their photos will be uploaded onto your social media channels so they can tag themselves. This will keep your customers engaged on your social media channels, and provide your customers with memories they can look back on in years to come.

4. Prepare for children
Though this day is primarily about focusing on the fathers of the world, it is important to not forget about the people who made them dads in the first place. Make sure your restaurant is ready to have plenty of little customers. Stock up on crayons and colouring paper, make sure you have plenty of children’s size menu options available, and consider providing some balloons to delight your customers and their families.
5. Partner with a charity
It is always a good idea to partner with a local charity of days of significance. Consider partnering with your local men’s shed or mental health awareness charities for Father’s Day. Not only will you be doing something good for charity, you will also be affecting change in your local community.