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Iphone to get online food ordering app from irish brothers

James McCarthy
Author James McCarthy
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Watch out — fast food just got faster with new online food ordering app, Flipdish, by Dublin duo Conor and James McCarthy.
Dublin, Ireland: April 8th 2015 – Flipdish today announce a revolution in fast food ordering with their iPhone app. It allows customers to browse menus from restaurants in their area and order deliveries in only 2 taps.

The idea was born out of the frustration CEO Conor McCarthy experienced trying to order takeaway deliveries.

“Having to enter your address, or your credit card number, every time you place an order really frustrates me. We wanted a smart app, something that didn’t just work but was a pleasure to use. It had to be 10 times faster than the alternative. From day one that’s been our goal. Every design decision was made with that simple concept in mind.”

Hungry for more information? Visit to be the first to know when Flipdish launches.

Follow the links below to read the full articles. Flipdish Online Ordering Feature

Irish Independent Flipdish Food Ordering Feature

Irish Examiner Online Ordering App Feature

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