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Boost your sales in the summer of sport with this useful data

Amanda Kavanagh
Author Amanda Kavanagh

2021's long-awaited Summer of Sport is finally here. Alongside annuals like Wimbledon, Grand Prix, the British Open, MLB, and the Tour de France, this summer also sees:

The Euros until July 11

The Olympics July 23 - August 08

The Paralympics August 24 - September 05

The Lions tour of South Africa July 03 - August 07

The Hundred cricket tournament July 21 - August 21

Phew. That's a lot of sport.

Both anecdotal evidence and recent reports show a strong appetite for socialising in restaurants and pubs post-lockdown, and CGA's Drinks Recovery Tracker also reports that venues screening the England v Croatia game on June 13 saw a like-for-like drinks sale rise of 12% against the same date in 2019.

For hospitality business owners, it makes sense to capitalise on the Summer of Sport. Start by optimising your website and online channels for terms like “sports pubs” and your location e.g. “sports pubs in Nottingham”, and also terms like “Sky Sports”, “BBC Sports”, “BT Sports” and “NBC Sports”. Additionally, include games and offers in your social media and ezine comms.

How can we help?

While we've already shared 8 marketing ideas to try for the Euros, truthfully these can be adapted for other sporting events. Plus, we've collated some data on consumer behaviour that you can use in your Summer of Sport strategy.